Women's Procedures

For the Face

Face Lift

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Facial Fat Grafting

Facial fat grafting is a tremendous tool for facial rejuvenation. It is good for volumization and restoring appropriate proportions to the face by replacement of the bony resorption and volume deflation that occurs with aging.

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Hairline Reduction

Hairline reduction is a procedure that allows your entire hairline to be brought forward. It is the most suitable for patients who has a naturally high forehead or for patients who are starting to experience receding hairline.

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Dark Eye Circles and Eye Bags

Dark eye circles and eye bags contribute to a tired, aged and sad appearance. These conditions bother a lot of people. Optimal treatment of these two conditions can often be done in combination or individually. They can be seen in a younger individual due to genetic factors or become more prominent as we start aging.

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For the Neck

Neck Liposuction/Double Chin Removal

Double chin, also known as submental fat is when excess fat or loose skin forms under our chins. This is more obvious when we bend our necks down. From the side profile, the jawline appears heavy and lack definition. This accumulation of fat and loose skin can also be seen in slimmer individuals, usually due to an inherent distribution of fat.

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For the Breast

Breast Augmentation Singapore


Breast augmentation using silicone implants is a surgery performed to enhance the volume and projection of the breast, while creating a natural looking but well defined cleavage. The type of implants available include Motiva and Mentor.

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Breast Augmentation Singapore

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation using silicone implants is a surgery performed to enhance the volume and projection of the breast, while creating a natural looking but well defined cleavage. The type of implants available include Motiva and Mentor.

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Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction Empowering Breast Cancer Survivors with Dr. Lee Hanjing | Breast Cancer Awareness Month Breast Implant Reconstruction After Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know | Dr. Lee Hanjing Autologous Breast Reconstruction: A Natural Approach for Breast Cancer Survivors

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Breast Implant Removal

Breast implants are not lifelong devices. They will need to be removed at some point in their lifespan. Common medical reasons for implant removal are rupture, severe capsular contracture causing pain and malposition, breast implant illness and the rare condition of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Some women also opt for removal for personal reasons.

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Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure to remove these excess breast tissue, fat and skin to alleviate your discomfort and to provide you a breast shape and size that is more proportionate to your body frame. The position and size of the nipple and areola will be addressed at the same setting.

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For the Skin

Lacerations / Cuts

Laceration occurs frequently in children as they are curious and active and accidents happens. You may be worried when your child sustained a cut and unsure on how you should manage the injury.

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Wound Management for Bites

Bites can commonly occur from animals like dogs and cats that your child plays with. Sometimes they can also occur from humans when accidental injuries occur during play.

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Lumps and Bumps

Lesions or mass or swellings can develop over any parts of our body. They can grow in size and even cause discomfort. These lesions can be present at birth or develop over time. In children, there are various lesions that can occur, here are some of the more commonly encountered lesions. They frequently present in the head and neck regions.

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For the Abdomen

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Abdominoplasty is more commonly called a tummy tuck. This is a surgery to remove excess skin and fat over the lower portion of your abdomen. A key benefit that can be achieved together with this procedure is tightening of the underlying abdominal muscle (divarication of the recti). The contours of the flanks can also be improved with liposuction at the same time.

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Liposuction Surgery

Understand the intricacies of a Liposuction procedure, including its benefits, candidacy criteria, surgical techniques used, recovery expectations, and potential risks. Frequently treated areas with Liposuction includes male/female chest, under the chin, under arms, abdomen and more.

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Diastasis Recti Abdominis

Diastasis Recti Abdominis is also known as divarication of the recti. This often occurs during pregnancy when the pressure of the foetus stretches the rectus abdominis muscles apart. It is a common issue that affects a lot of women.

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For the Limbs

Liposuction Surgery

Understand the intricacies of a Liposuction procedure, including its benefits, candidacy criteria, surgical techniques used, recovery expectations, and potential risks. Frequently treated areas with Liposuction includes male/female chest, under the chin, under arms, abdomen and more.

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For the Genitals


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